
Do you like to text or use social media with your friends? Do you like to get their opinion on issues?

Did you ever wonder how the men who started the National Forest Service made their plans and moved forward? While a quick text message or social media post wasn't possible at that time, they did communicate their ideas.

At the beginning of the 20th century, just a few men with a desire to conserve and protect the land for future generations shared ideas about how to go about doing that. Out of this, the National Forest Service was born. This group of men changed the way people though about land. They created a culture of conservation and preservation of forest land.

Teddy Roosevelt, John Muir, and Gifford Pinchot (back) were some of the founders of the forestry conservation movement.

Lesson Objectives

Following successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to...

  • Describe the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service.

Essential Questions

  • How does the forestry industry influence the lives of citizens in Alabama and the world?
  • What early developments influenced the forestry industry of today?
  • What past events influenced the forestry industry of today?

Enduring Understandings

  • Each job, career, and profession has a set of preparation requirements, career exploration experiences, and different opportunities for personal and professional growth and satisfaction.
  • Proper forest management is vital in creating a balance that not only protects forests and related habitats, but also allows for the use of renewable natural resources.

The above objectives correspond with the Alabama Course of Study: Career Tech: Forestry standard: 2.