
Part 1: Group Discussion

Check out the list of individuals (on the bottom of the page) who were all exonerated after serving many years in prison based on bite mark evidence. Research one of the cases to share with your classmates on the 3.03 Bitemark Evidence Discussion. Try to select someone who hasn't been written about yet.

Share your findings in the form of a discussion post of at least 5-7 complete sentences that includes the following:

  • A summary of the crime committed.
  • What evidence was used in the case? (Give specific details.)
  • What sentence was given (number of years, life in prison, death row)?
  • What evidence was used to overturn the original conviction? (Give specific details.)
  • How many years did the person spend in prison before being released?

When participating in an online discussion, you should use formal, standard English and obey all conventions of punctuation and spelling. Avoid abbreviations or symbols used in texting, messaging, or informal conversation.

The activity on the 3.03 Bitemark Evidence Discussion is ungraded, but you must participate on the discussion board to successfully complete Part 2 of this assignment!

Part 2: Individual Assignment

Use the information gathered by you and your classmates to complete 3.03 Bitemark Evidence. This is Part 2 of the task and should be completed after the discussion in Part 1.

Exonerated Individuals

Pick an individual who hasn't been discussed yet and read about their case from the Innocence Project.