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  1. Pesticides
  2. Beneficial Insects
  3. Herbicides
  4. DDT
  5. Mining
  6. Fertilizers
  7. Fungicide
  8. Crop Rotation
  9. Nitrogen
  10. Agent Orange
  11. Ore
  12. Xenobiotic
  13. Atmospheric Deposition
  14. Parasite


  • Insects that can rid areas of harmful insects and bugs through predation and parasitism
  • Pollutes the soil by leaving behind chemicals that were used to extract metals/elements from rock
  • An herbicide that was used in Vietnam to kill foliage used for enemy cover
  • Chemical compounds used to kill parasitic heterotrophs that can cause disease for crops
  • Process by which soil becomes contaminated by air pollutants
  • Man-made compounds that do not occur naturally in the environment and are a source of pollution in the soil and other parts of the environment.
  • Rock which has a precious metal or element trapped in it that is mined
  • Chemicals and natural products that add or replenish nutrients in the soil
  • Insecticide used during World War II to help kill mosquitoes preventing the spread of malaria
  • Chemical compounds used to rid areas of unwanted weeds and other vegetation
  • Alternative method to using chemical fertilizers on crop fields
  • Element added to the soil by fertilizers and cover crops and are important to plants and animals because they are the building blocks of amino acids, proteins, and nucleic acids.
  • Chemicals used to rid crops and other areas of organisms that are harmful to crop productivity
  • An organism that lives in or on another organism and gets food/energy at the host organism’s expense


  1. Insects that can rid areas of harmful insects and bugs through predation and parasitism

    Answer: Beneficial Insects

  2. Pollutes the soil by leaving behind chemicals that were used to extract metals/elements from rock

    Answer: Mining

  3. An herbicide that was used in Vietnam to kill foliage used for enemy cover

    Answer: Agent Orange

  4. Chemical compounds used to kill parasitic heterotrophs that can cause disease for crops

    Answer: Fungicide

  5. Process by which soil becomes contaminated by air pollutants

    Answer: Atmospheric Deposition

  6. Man-made compounds that do not occur naturally in the environment and are a source of pollution in the soil and other parts of the environment.

    Answer: Xenobiotic compounds

  7. Rock which has a precious metal or element trapped in it that is mined

    Answer: Ore

  8. Chemicals and natural products that add or replenish nutrients in the soil

    Answer: Fertilizers

  9. Insecticide used during World War II to help kill mosquitoes preventing the spread of malaria

    Answer: DDT

  10. Chemical compounds used to rid areas of unwanted weeds and other vegetation

    Answer: Herbicides

  11. Alternative method to using chemical fertilizers on crop fields

    Answer: Crop Rotation

  12. Element added to the soil by fertilizers and cover crops and are important to plants and animals because they are the building blocks of amino acids, proteins, and nucleic acids.

    Answer: Nitrogen

  13. Chemicals used to rid crops and other areas of organisms that are harmful to crop productivity

    Answer: Pesticides

  14. An organism that lives in or on another organism and gets food/energy at the host organism’s expense

    Answer: Parasite


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