
Visit Virtual Ballooning to Explore the Atmosphere and work through the simulation on the characteristics of the atmosphere lab. Follow the procedure below to download complete the 7.03 Atmosphere Lab.

  1. Click on the Layers of the Earth's Atmosphere button.
  2. The horizontal red dashed lines indicate at what points the balloon will collect data. Set the High Sample at about 15 km by dragging the arrow along the y axis. Leave the Low Sample at 0 km.
  3. Select Launch Balloon. Data points should appear as the balloon crosses each red dashed sample line. You can toggle between a graph of temperature and air pressure using the buttons in the lower left.
  4. Select New Flight from the menu in the upper left.
  5. Change your sample selection points by dragging High Sample up the y axis to 35 km. Move Low Sample to 20 km on the y axis.
  6. Select Launch Balloon.
  7. Repeat steps 4-6 two more times with the following settings.
    1. High Sample: 55 km, Low Sample: 40 km
    2. High Sample: 60 km, Low Sample: your choice
  8. Record the data points for the graphs of Temperature and Air Pressure on your lab report in the appropriate table
  9. Take a screenshot of the Temperature graph. Insert it into your lab report. Repeat for the Air Pressure graph.
  10. Answer the remaining questions on the lab.

Submit your completed assignment.



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