Complete the 6.04 Rock Cycle and Rock Type assignment.
- Go to Interactives: Rock Cycle.
- Click on the Test Your Skills tab.
- Type your first and last name.
- Click Next.
- Proceed with the 15 question quiz.
- After you answer the questions, click See Your Results. This will show you which questions you missed and provide links for review.
- Click Print and save your document as a PDF. Or copy and paste your entire results page into a blank Word document.
- Submit your quiz results document to the 6.04 Rock Cycle and Rock Type assignment.
Complete the 6.04 Rock Story assignment.
Pick one of the three types of rock that you learned about in this lesson - Igneous, Metamorphic, or Sedimentary - and write a short story from the rock's perspective explaining how the rock was formed and how it eventually changes into the other two types of rocks. Write the story as a rock autobiography using the first-person pronoun "I." Type the story in a Word document and be sure to include a creative title. Your story should be at least three paragraphs long.
Submit your completed story to the 6.04 Rock Story assignment.