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  1. What is the energy that is trapped within plants and animals and can be used as an alternative source of energy?

    Answer: Biomass Energy

  2. What is also referred to as garbage and can be burned as an alternative source of energy?

    Answer: Municipal Solid Waste

  3. What is an alternative fuel source that comes from the fermentation of plant material such as corn fermentation of corn or sugar cane?

    Answer: Ethanol

  4. What is an alternative source of energy that comes from the decomposition of organic material in landfills?

    Answer: Landfill Gas

  5. What is the chemical process that makes biofuels such as ethanol?

    Answer: Fermentation

  6. What are power plants that use the heat produced from burning garbage to create steam to generate electricity?

    Answer: Waste-to-Energy Plants

  7. What is molten rock in the earth’s crust?

    Answer: Magma

  8. What is renewable energy that comes from the heat trapped within the earth’s crust?

    Answer: Geothermal Energy

  9. What are areas that are more likely to have earthquakes and volcanoes because they lay along fault lines?

    Answer: Geologically Active Area

  10. What is a type of geothermal energy where magma heats rocks within the earth’s crust which in turn heat deep circulating groundwater?

    Answer: Hot Dry Rock Sources


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