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  1. What is calculated by the number of deaths per 1000 individuals in a population?

    Answer: Death Rate

  2. What is when this is greater than mortality in a population, the population grows?

    Answer: Birth Rate

  3. What is the study of human populations and how they change?

    Answer: Demography

  4. Who are the scientists that study human populations, how it changes, and make predictions and comparisons based on historical changes?

    Answer: Demographers

  5. What are factors that causes the human population to increase in a specific area because of people moving into the population / area?

    Answer: Immigration

  6. What is a factor that decreases the human population in an area because of people leaving the population / area?

    Answer: Emigration

  7. What occurred in the mid 1300s and caused the population in Europe to be reduced by a third?

    Answer: Black Death

  8. What type of graph that shows human population growth through time?

    Answer: J-Curve graph

  9. What is also known as death rate?

    Answer: Mortality Rate

  10. What helped increase the human population by introducing new tools and methods that increased food production and efficiency?

    Answer: Agricultural Revolution

  11. When did people start to move from small farms to urban/city areas to work in factories and mills?

    Answer: Industrial Revolution

  12. What is the growth model that the human population has been and currently is undergoing?

    Answer: Exponential Growth


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