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  1. Question 1: The living parts of the environment are called ________ .

    Answer: Biotic Factors

  2. Question 2: Sunlight can be considered a(n) ____ factor within an ecosystem.

    Answer: Abiotic Factor

  3. Question 3: A group of ecosystems that have similar types of abiotic and biotic factors is called a(n) ____.

    Answer: Biome

  4. Question 4: An area that shares plant and animal life of two or more biomes is called a(n) ____.

    Answer: Ecotone

  5. Question 5: All of the interacting biotic and abiotic factors in an area are known as a(n) ___.

    Answer: Ecosystem

  6. Question 6: I am located between 30 degrees North and 30 degrees South Latitude and receive more than 75 inches of rain per year.

    Answer: Tropical Rainforest

  7. Question 7: I am located between 50 degrees North Latitude and the arctic and have evergreen trees with needle-like leaves.

    Answer: Taiga

  8. Question 8: I receive less than 25 centimeters of rain per year and have a permanently frozen layer of soil called permafrost.

    Answer: Tundra

  9. Question 9: I receive less than 25 centimeters (10 inches) of water per year and are found mostly along 30 degrees Latitude North and along 30 degrees Latitude South.

    Answer: Desert

  10. Question 10: I am named for my abundant grasses and thick, fertile soil.
    Answer: Grassland

    Answer: Grassland

  11. Question 11: I have four distinct seasons—fall, winter, spring, and summer—and I am located primarily in the eastern half of the United States and Canada.

    Answer: Temperate Rain Forest

  12. Question 12: I am located at the tops of tall, cold mountains and have characteristics of the biome located in the Arctic.

    Answer: Alpine Tundra

  13. Question 13: I am located in the Pacific Northwest and receive between 80-400 inches of rainfall per year.

    Answer: Temperate Rainforest


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