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Number 1. When soil formation begins from bare rock/bedrock
Correct Answer: Primary Succession
Number 2. The first organisms, such as lichen and small plants, that are 1st to inhabit an area and begin the process of soil formation
Correct Answer: Pioneer Species
Number 3. A mature community where the plant life is stable and succession has stopped
Correct Answer: Climax Community
Number 4. Soil found in the Northern Hemisphere and in some mountainous zones; it has ice in the subsoil and organic matter near the surface
Correct Answer: Gelisols
Number 5. Soils found in woodland areas that are very fertile and easy to farm because of their deep organic matter
Correct Answer: Alfisols
Number 6. Soils that are not very fertile and develop from the accumulation of organic matter in water-saturated flat lands or cold, humid conditions
Correct Answer: Histosols
Number 7. Young soils that are just beginning to develop a soil profile and are located in flood plains
Correct Answer: Inceptisols
Number 8. Prairie soils that are mature, well drained fertile soils that are easy to cultivate
Correct Answer: Mollisols
Number 9. Soils formed from volcanic deposits that retain water and are very fertile
Correct Answer: Andisols
Number 10. Soils found in hot dry climates that have very little organic matter and support sparse vegetation
Correct Answer: Aridisols
Number 11. “Swelling” soils that are found in areas that experience wet and dry seasons and do not support building structures on them because of the seasonal shrinking and swelling
Correct Answer: Vertisols
Number 12. Soils that have a dark B horizon, form over a long period of time, and are found mostly in humid regions
Correct Answer: Ultisols
Number 13. Coarse textured soils found in cool, wet forest regions that have organic matter found in lower soil areas
Correct Answer: Spodosols
Number 14. Young soils that lack distinct layers and are often found in river flood plains where transported sediment is deposited
Correct Answer: Entisols
Number 15. Soils found in the humid climates of South America and Africa that are deep and lack developed horizons
Correct Answer: Oxisols