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Number 1. Source of energy that is sustainable for unlimited human use, such as wind energy, geothermal energy, hydropower, solar energy, and biomass energy

Correct Answer: Renewable Energy Source

Number 2. Energy sources, such as fossil fuels and nuclear energy that cannot be replenished for use

Correct Answer: Nonrenewable Energy Source

Number 3. Fossil fuel that is mostly used for electricity production and is made from dead, prehistoric plant life that died and sank to the bottom of swamps or oceans

Correct Answer: Coal

Number 4. Fossil fuel that is the primary source of energy for transportation and is formed from dead diatoms that sank to the bottom of the sea and was covered by layers of sediment

Correct Answer: Petroleum

Number 5. Fossil fuel that is made mostly of methane and was formed when prehistoric plants and animals died and were covered by layers of sediment and rock

Correct Answer: Natural Gas

Number 6. Renewable source of energy that comes from the sun’s light energy

Correct Answer: Solar Energy

Number 7. Hardest form of coal that has the most carbon atoms and produces the most energy

Correct Answer: Anthracite

Number 8. The softest form of coal that has the least amount of carbon atoms and produces the least amount of energy

Correct Answer: Lignite

Number 9. Type of country that uses the most fossil fuel energy because of its high standard of living

Correct Answer: Developed Country

Number 10. Type of country that does not use a great deal of energy and has a lower standard of living

Correct Answer: Developing Country

Number 11. Added to natural gas to give it a rotten egg smell so that leaks can be detected more easily

Correct Answer: Mercaptan

Number 12. Mid grade form of coal

Correct Answer: Bituminous

Number 13. Layers of sedimentary rock where natural gas is located or trapped

Correct Answer: Shale