
  • Continue to answer the Unit 10 Notes as you review the lesson.
  • Open the 10.07 Plot Guide and complete it as you read The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Act III.

Plot is the framework of how a story is put together.

You have studied Freytag's plot all throughout school. The plot in a Shakespearean tragedy is similar.

Act I: Expositionthe introduction of the play that gives the background information on the characters and setting

Act II: Rising Actionthis is the trigger incident in a particular scene that starts the action and begins the conflict

Act III: Climaxthe turning point in the story; the part where the protagonist reaches an emotional high point or a peak in power

Act IV: Falling Actionthe action that occurs after the climax and before everything comes to a conclusion

Act V: The Catastrophewhen the events of the falling action bring the protagonist to his fate

plot diagram

Many times the fourth act is a mirror to the second act. Events or characters that rise in the second act may fall as readers reach the fourth act. For that reason, the fourth act is often referred to as the falling action of the play.


Brutus and Caesear's ghost

Read Act IV, Scenes 1-3 in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar.

Hear Act IV, Scenes 1-3

Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus are now ruling Rome as a triumvirate. A triumvirate is a group of three men holding power. These men are known as the Second Triumvirate of Rome. The First Triumvirate was Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus.

Has Antony changedAntony's demeanor has changed toward Octavius and others. He easily says which people can be killed without any remorse. These people include enemies, friends, and family. since you last saw him give the funeral speech?

"These many, then, shall die; their names are pricked."

Brutus and Cassius are exiled from Rome, and they have raised armies to challenge the triumvirate. The relationship between Brutus and Cassius is strained, and the war between Antony and the conspirators rage on. Brutus and Cassius meet at a camp near Sardis to discuss their plans, but each has issues with the other. Cassius speaks to Brutus, "Most noble brother, you have done me wrong." They continue to argue, even in front of their soldiers until Brutus urges them to go to his tent.
Why does Brutus say he is under a great amount of stress?His wife Portia has committed suicide by swallowing fire, "No man bears sorrow better. Portia is dead."

In this act, which is considered the falling action of the play, Caesar's ghost appears to Brutus. Some theories claim that the ghost is actually Caesar himself hauting the conspirators. Others contend that the ghost is not real at all but instead is Brutus's guilty conscience.
What do you think?Caesar's ghost could be Shakespeare's attempt to keep his main character-his protagonist-in the play. Or, the ghost could be a symbol of Brutus's guilt. Either way, the ghost of Caesar professes to meet Brutus at Philippi.

Make a predictionTo use a famous phrase from Robert Burns' poem "To a Mouse," "The best laid plans of mice and men do often go awry." of what you think will happen in Act V.

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A symbol is a word, object, event, person, or animal, that stands for another word, object, event, person, or animal. It can be tangible or nontangible. It represents itself and something beyond itself. The flag is literally a piece of cloth with stars and stripes, but it also represents liberty, justice, and freedom.

red heartWhat is this image?

What does it represent beyond its literal meaning?Yes, it is a red heart, but it also represents love.

People throughout history have given ordinary objects greater and deeper meaning. Writers do this often. Symbolism is used in literature to provide meaning to the writing beyond what is actually being described. Authors take a new object, event, or character and personify it to the extent of whatever theme is developing throughout the piece.

Shakespeare uses many symbols in his writing. He is able to add layers of meaning to an object that he couldn't state in a simple or even complex sentence.

What's the difference between a symbol and motif?

A motif is a distinctive feature or a dominant idea in literature. While a symbol may occur once or twice in a story, a motif is repeated throughout the piece of literature. A motif could even be associated with several different symbols.

For example, think about the following symbols and what they could represent.

Have you figured out the possible motifLight and dark. There are hundreds more symbols that could represent this motif.? The motif then allows you to discover the thememessage or insight of work of the piece of literature.

Look at these symbols. Decide what they have in common, and identify the possible motif.

winged horse  magic lamp dream catcher fortune teller's ball magic mirror

What is the motifmagical powers?

The image of blood is a dominate symbol throughout the play. Look at the quotes below where blood is mentioned and think of the motif the quotes are suggesting.

Brutus: "Do not stain the even virtue of our enterprise...To think that our cause...Did need an oath when every drop of blood that every Roman bears cements the promises he makes."

Brutus: "Our course will seem too bloody."

Brutus: "We all stand up against the spirit of Caesar, and in the spirit of men there is no blood."

Brutus: "Caesar must bleed for it!"

What is the motifBrutus believes by Caesar's bloodshed that all the conspirators are joined by Roman blood. The motif Shakespeare is trying to invoke is a source of spirit and strength for the good of Rome.?



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