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Labor Review

Answer the following questions.

  1. Passed in 1947 banned the closed shops and stopped unions from donating to political campaigns.
    1. National Labor Relations Act
    2. Taft-Hartley Act

    Answer: Taft-Hartley Act

  2. Founded in 1938, formed around organizing both skilled and unskilled workers
    1. American Federation of Labor
    2. Committee for Industrial Organizations

    Answer: Committee for Industrial Organizations

  3. Formed in 1886, organized only skilled workers
    1. Committee for Industrial Organizations
    2. American Federation of Labor

    Answer: American Federation of Labor

  4. Strike against the McCormick Harvesting company in 1886 that ended with the killing of police officers and protestors which effectively ended the Knights of Labor organization.
    1. Pullman Strike
    2. Haymarket Square

    Answer: Haymarket Square

  5. The 1894 strike at the Pullman Palace Car Company that saw Grover Cleveland send in federal troops to break the strike. The leader of the Strike, Eugene Debs, is convicted and given a short prison sentence for his involvement.
    1. Homestead Strike
    2. Pullman Strike

    Answer: Pullman Strike

  6. Steelworkers who in 1892 went on strike against the Carnegie Steel Plant. The end of the strike was helped by the hiring of Pinkerton detectives who killed several strikers.
    1. Homestead Strike
    2. Pullman Strike

    Answer: Homestead Strike

  7. A 1911 fire in the Garment District of New York City that saw 146 workers killed, mostly women. This tragedy led to increased safety in building code regulations.
    1. Haymarket Square
    2. Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

    Answer: Triange Shirtwaist Fire

  8. Signed into law in 1935, it's also known as the Wagner Act. It established the right of workers to organize into unions and established the right of collective bargaining.
    1. National Labor Relations Act
    2. Taft-Hartley Act

    Answer: National Labor Relations Act