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PPF Points to Events Practice

Identify which of the points on the PPF graph below correctly depicts the each given event.

A Production Possibilities Frontier (PPF) graph
See larger version of PPF example graph here. See long description of example PPF graph here.
  1. The drought known as the Dust Bowl in the 1930s.
    1. Point A
    2. Point B
    3. Point C
    4. Point D
    5. Point E
    6. Point F

    Answer: Point F

  2. Women in World War II entered the workforce to produce new products for the war effort.
    1. Point A
    2. Point B
    3. Point C
    4. Point D
    5. Point E
    6. Point F

    Answer: Points A, B, C, or D

  3. Plans to travel to Mars cannot be attainable given our current availability of land, labor, capital and entrepreneurship.
    1. Point A
    2. Point B
    3. Point C
    4. Point D
    5. Point E
    6. Point F

    Answer: Point E

  4. Unemployment during the Great Depression was 25%.
    1. Point A
    2. Point B
    3. Point C
    4. Point D
    5. Point E
    6. Point F

    Answer: Point F

  5. Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans.
    1. Point A
    2. Point B
    3. Point C
    4. Point D
    5. Point E
    6. Point F

    Answer: Point F

  6. Mercedes in Tuscaloosa, Alabama opens a third shift to meet the demands of consumers for the new SUV.
    1. Point A
    2. Point B
    3. Point C
    4. Point D
    5. Point E
    6. Point F

    Answer: Points A, B, C, or D

  7. New tractors purchased by Russia made harvesting the crops easier.
    1. Point A
    2. Point B
    3. Point C
    4. Point D
    5. Point E
    6. Point F

    Answer: Points A, B, C, or D

  8. A student realizes he needs to study over 24 hours for a test scheduled for tomorrow.
    1. Point A
    2. Point B
    3. Point C
    4. Point D
    5. Point E
    6. Point F

    Answer: Point E

  9. A city wants to re-build road and bridges next year but does not currently have the resources needed for such a project.
    1. Point A
    2. Point B
    3. Point C
    4. Point D
    5. Point E
    6. Point F

    Answer: Point E

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