
Practice additional vocabulary from the lesson.


Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)

The twelve member committee of the Federal Reserve that meets eight times a year to set the monetary policy for the nation.


Federal Reserve Act

The act passed in 1913 that created the Federal Reserve System.


Federal Reserve Bank

The system of 12 districts throughout the United States responsible for payment services, supervising and regulating member banks, distributing the nation’s currency and serving as the fiscal agent for the federal government.



The measure of how quickly an asset can be converted into cash without loss of value.


M1, M2, M3

Differing measures of parts of the money supply, that vary based on their decreasing liquidity.


Monetary Policy

The Federal Reserve's actions that influence the money supply, the cost of money and credit.


Nominal Interest Rate

The current interest rate, established by the Federal Reserve.


Open Market Operations

The purchase or sale of US Treasury securities that either increase or decrease the supply of money balances available to depository institutions.


Real Interest Rate

Interest rate adjusted for inflation.


Required Reserve Ratio

The percentage of liabilities a depository institution must set aside from customer deposits


Required Reserves

Funds that depository institutions keep as vault cash or at the Federal Reserve.


US Treasury Securities

Bills, Notes or Bonds issued by the US Department of the Treasury in amounts of at least $1,000.