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Commas Review

Instructions: For each of the following sentences, choose the word or words that should be followed by a comma. If a sentence is correct with no comma corrections, choose the option for Correct.

1.) A good writer must be able to draft outline and proofread.

Answer: draft, outline,

2.) Christian is an intelligent thoughtful little boy.

Answer: intelligent,

3.) We are planning to see Spider Man this weekend and we are going to see Superman this summer.

Answer: weekend,

4.) After practice was over Wesley called his mom on the phone.

Answer: over,

5.) She was born on Monday July 9 2010 at DCH hospital.

Answer: Monday, 9, 2010,

6.) The Latin teacher noticing her confusion repeated the terminology more slowly.

Answer: teacher, confusion,

7.) Christopher asked "Do you know where the gym is?"

Answer: asked,

8.) That's right Johanna.

Answer: right,

9.) She became Maria Johnson M.D. in fall 2014.

Answer: Johnson, M.D.,



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