Instructions for creating account

Throughout this course, students will be referred to use interactions in course. In order to utilize these, students must create an account. These accounts are free, but they must be set up.

You may create your free account using either your email address, your Google account, your Facebook account, or your Microsoft account. You decide which one you wish to use. account sign in or account creation page

Follow these instructions to set up your free account.

Choose the Create an account button, you will then be taken to this screen: sign up for free account form

If you choose to use your Google, Facebook, or Microsoft account, choose one of those buttons.

You will be taken to another window and asked for the login information for that platform. For example, if you choose to use your Google account to sign up, you will be asked for your Google login.

If you choose to sign up using your email address, fill in your email address and create a password. Then confirm your password by entering it again. Be sure you remember your password so you can get back in the account!