Module 4 - Checklist
Assignment 4.01

Module 4 in Computer Programming - Basic 1 focuses on entering sets of data and controlling the appearance of the output on the screen. The following table shows the specific objectives of each button on the GameBoard.

Before you begin the assignments, there are two things for you to do.

1. Print out the following Table of Objectives.
2. Print out the Assignment Checklist for this Module.

Since you do not have a textbook to refer to in this course, it would be a good idea to print out all of the web pages and keep them in a notebook for reference.

QB clicking his heals
Don't forget, when QB shows up in a lesson, roll over the image with your mouse. Sometimes, the graphic will change and reveal some important information or another image. When QB sports the letters "CYU" on his tummy, it stands for "Check Your Understanding" and indicates that you need to stop and answer an interactive question.
GameBoard Button Objectives
  1. Distinguish between the five generations of computers.
  2. Identify trends in size, speed, storage capacity, capability and cost that have led to the personal computers in use today.
  1. Distinguish between features of the decimal number system and the octal number system.
  2. Convert numbers from the octal number system to the decimal number system.
  3. Convert numbers from the decimal number system to the octal number system using the successive division method.
  1. Describe the correct syntax for READ and DATA statements.
  2. Describe the purpose of the keywords READ and DATA.
  3. Explain one main benefit of making programs interactive.
  4. Identify the correct flowchart symbol for READ.
  5. Predict the output of a simple program using READ and DATA statements.
  6. Modify a program that uses multiple LET statements so that it uses READ and DATA statements instead.
  1. Describe the purpose of the LOCATE statement.
  2. Distinguish between the use of LOCATE TAB and SPC.
  3. Describe the correct syntax for the LOCATE statement.
  4. Describe the purpose of the PRINT USING statement.
  5. Describe the correct syntax for the PRINT USING statement.
  6. Describe how to create the format of a PRINT USING statement for either numeric or alphanumeric data.
Game Skills 1
  1. Apply the correct syntax when using READ - DATA statements.
  2. Apply the correct syntax when using PRINT USING to control the format of variables.
  3. Interpret a flowchart algorithm that uses READ - DATA statements and format.
  4. Identify the correct flowchart symbol for READ.
  5. Debug a simple program using READ - DATA statements and PRINT USING.
  6. Modify and expand on a program that uses READ - DATA statements and PRINT USING.
Game Skills 2
  1. Apply the correct syntax when using READ - DATA statements.
  2. Apply the correct syntax when using PRINT USING to control the format of variables.
  3. Create a flowchart for an algorithm using READ - DATA statements to enter sets of data, use variables to perform calculations, and control the output format with PRINT USING.
  4. Create a program using READ - DATA statements to enter sets of data, use variables to perform calculations, and control the output format with PRINT USING.
Game Skills 3
  1. Create a program using READ - DATA statements to enter sets of data.
  2. Calculate the total of a set of data.
  3. Use LOCATE to control the horizontal and vertical print position of information on the screen.
  4. Use PRINT USING to control the horizontal placement of numeric and string data in a table.
Game Skills 4
  1. Create a program using READ - DATA statements to enter sets of data.
  2. Use INPUT statements as needed to make the program interactive.
  3. Calculate the total of a sets of data and a total.
  4. Use LOCATE and PRINT USING to control the horizontal placement of numeric and string data in a table.
  1. Create a program using LOOP to generate 2 Random numbers.
  2. Use LET STATEMENTS to calculate: adding the two numbers, subtracting the second number from the 1st number, multiplying the two numbers, and dividing the two numbers.
  3. Use PRINT STATEMENTS before the loop to provide column headers.
  4. Use a PRINT USING STATEMENT inside the loop to display the results of the calculation 20 times.

After you have printed the Table of Objectives and the Assignment Checklist for Module 4, please continue to the next assignment.
