Module 2 - Big Score
Assignment 2.11


A couple of important reminders.

  1. Once you activate the test, do not (repeat after me, do not) minimize the screen. Stay in the test until you finish.
  2. Do not rush, but don't waste time either. The sooner you get finished, the less likely it is that your ISP connection will fail.
  3. Most important of all, when you click on the Submit button, wait (patiently) for the screen to refresh. If you don't wait for the screen to refresh, your answers will not be recorded.
  4. If you have any technical problems during the test, contact your instructor immediately.

Pre-Test Review

You only have one chance to take the test. So, can you answer the following?

  1. Who was Charles Babbage and what was his contribution to the history of computers?
  2. How do you convert from decimal to binary and binary to decimal?
  3. Can you use flowcharts to create algorithms?
  4. Do you know the difference between alphanumeric and numeric information?
  5. Do you know all of the new terms presented in this module?
  6. Can you use all of the keywords presented in this module?
  7. Can you give a basic explanation of how the computer stores information?
  8. Do you know the five rules for naming variables?
  9. Do you know what print zones are and how to create them?
  10. Can you relate the views about computers of the person you interviewed to your own perspectives?

Are you sure you can answer questions 1-10?

If you answered yes to all of those questions, then you are ready for the Module 2 Test!
But only have one chance to take the test.

Test Instructions

Do not take a test until you have received grades for all assignments in this Module. But, use your time wisely. If you are waiting on an assignment to be graded, you may go ahead and begin the next Module. When everything in this Module is graded, then you may take the test.

To be safe, plan on at least an hour to complete the test. Once you activate the test, you must take it. No peeking ahead of time! So, make sure you have enough time to complete the test before you take it.

There are two parts to this module test: an oral component and the written component.

1. Oral Component - Directions and Information:

  • YOU must contact your instructor by phone for this portion of the test.
  • During the oral component, your instructor will talk with you about your progress in the module and review some of the module concepts with you by asking you a few content related questions.
  • You will also be asked to: either look at some programs and identify errors, explain how you would write a program, or give some other program related content from this module.
  • This portion of the test is worth 20 points.
  • When you are done with your call, please submit assessment 02.11 A Big Score.

2. Written Component - Directions and Information:

There are two types of questions on the test:

  • Auto Graded: Multiple choice, True/False, and fill-in-the blank questions are auto-graded by the computer, so you will get immediate feedback. Spelling counts! Follow directions carefully to avoid losing credit.
  • Instructor Graded: Any programs or short answer questions will be graded by your teacher, so please be patient.
Because part of the test must be graded by your teacher, the score you see immediately after taking a test will probably be lower than what you expected. Don’t be alarmed! When the programs and short answer questions are graded, your test score will be automatically updated.
  • There are approximately 25 questions on the written test.
  • The test includes multiple choice, True/False, fill-in-the blank, and short answer questions as well as several simple programs to write. So, make sure you have set aside plenty of time to take the test.
  • It is worth 60 points.
  • Most of the test is computer graded, so follow the instructions carefully.
  • Spelling counts! If you are told to enter something specific with no spaces on either side, do so, or it will be counted wrong.
  • You are ready to take assessment 02.11 B Big Score.

EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Wait for the screen to refresh completely after you press the submit button. If you have any questions, contact your instructor.

Once you activate the test, you have to take it. No peeking ahead of time!

So, do not, I repeat, do not, activate the test until you have the time to take it and you have studied.

There are no second chances.

When you are ready, complete the assessment. Remember, it is in two parts: 02.11A in the Dropbox area and 02.11B in the Quizzes area.
