Module 2 - Checklist
Assignment 2.01

Module 2 in Computer Programming - Basic 1 focuses on flowcharting algorithms, using variables to create assignment statements, and several different printing topics. You will also learn a little more about the history of computers. The following table shows the specific objectives of each button on the GameBoard.

Before you begin the assignments, there are two things for you to do.

1. Print out the following Table of Objectives.
2. Print out the Assignment Checklist for this Module.

Since you do not have a textbook to refer to in this course, it would be a good idea to print out all of the web pages and keep them in a notebook for reference. Go ahead and add the Table of Objectives and the Assignment Checklist for Module 2 to your notebook before starting the first assignment.


Gameboard Button Objectives
  1. Recognize that computers have a long and interesting history.
  2. Identify some features of the Difference Engine and the Analytical Engine that are found in modern computers.
  3. Explain Charles Babbage's importance to the history of computers.
  4. Explain the contributions of at least one other computer pioneer.
  1. Distinguish between features of the decimal number system and the binary number system.
  2. Define the following terms: bit, byte, and place value.
  3. Convert a number from the binary number system to the decimal number system.
  4. Convert a number from the decimal number system to the binary number system using the successive division method.
  1. Define the following terms: flowchart, terminal symbol, processing symbol, and document symbol.
  2. Explain why programmers use flowcharts to represent algorithms.
  3. Explain what the oval, rectangle, and parallelogram are used for in flowcharts.
  4. Interpret an algorithm defined by simple flowchart.
  1. Explain the importance of algorithms to the development of computer programs.
  2. Explain why programmers use flowcharts to represent algorithms.
  3. Distinguish between numeric and alphanumeric information.
  4. Use an analogy to explain how a computer stores information.
  5. Define the following terms: variable, variable name, numeric variable, string variable and assignment statement.
  6. Use the key word LET to assign data to variables.
  7. Correctly use the rules for naming variables.
  8. Modify a simple program using numeric and alphanumeric information.
Game Skills 1
  1. Define the following terms: variable, numeric variable, assignment statement.
  2. Interpret a simple flowchart.
  3. Translate a mathematical formula into a QBasic statement using numeric variables.
  4. Write an algorithm in plain English.
  5. Correctly use LET to write a simple program.
Game Skills 2
  1. Use assignment statements to store numeric and alphanumeric information in variables.
  2. Create a flowchart to represent an algorithm.
  3. Use a five step process to develop a program.
  4. Assign multiple "sets" of data to unique variables.
Game Skills 3
  1. Identify the print zones on the computer screen.
  2. Explain the meaning of output format.
  3. Use print zones to print columns of data in a table format.
Game Skills 4
  1. Use the 5 step process to design a computer program.
  2. Use a flowchart to design an algorithm to handle a computer task.
  3. Use numeric and alphanumeric variables to store data, process data, and print out data.
  4. Format output data in an organized table using print zones.
  1. Discuss some of the changes that have taken place in computers over the last 20 years.

After you have printed the Table of Objectives and the Assignment Checklist for Module 2, please move on to the next assignment.

