
Copyright Issues

While many of the images and media you want to use will fall under the Fair Use provision of the Copyright Act, ACCESS holds its students to a high standard and asks that students be cautious of the availability of an image, always check the license or usage rights.

ACCESS encourages students to use images that are not restricted by copyright. These include public domain images and instances where the owners have given permission for use as long as they are cited, or given credit.


The following are great sources for images

  • Creative Commons - search for free content in the public domain and under creative commons licenses.
  • Pixabay - royalty free images
  • Google.com and Google Images - are search engines for finding images. Please note that you shouldn't cite a search engine.
    • Ex. You use Google Images to search for a photo of a Model T Ford. Google will then display the images on your screen .You should click on the image to go to the source of the photo. This will help you correctly cite your source.

How to

Watch this short video below for instructions on how to add images to your task.

Open How to Add Images in a new tab

Note: The presentation may take a moment to load.


You should use the following MLA format when citing a source for your ACCESS courses.

  • Author's name if given: Last, First followed by a period
  • The title of he image in italics followed by a comma
  • The date of the work (if the date is unknown, place the abbreviation n.d. in place of the date) followed by a period
  • The type of piece followed by a period
  • The name of the institution that houses the work followed by a period
  • The word Web followed by a period
  • The date of access (day, month, year) followed by a period.

The new MLA 7th edition doesn't require the URL for Internet sites; however, ACCESS teachers do require the URL information at the end of your source. Enclose the URL in angle brackets followed by a period.

Citation Example #1

From Discovery Education

Vintage Car (2) Jupiterimages Corporation, 2006. Image. Discovery Education. Web. 6 October 2014. <http://www.discoveryeducation.com/>

Citation Example #2

From Wikimedia Commons

The Pontiac Vintage Car, 2011. Image. Wikimedia Commons. Web. 6 October 2014. <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_Pontiac_vintage_car..JPG>

Citation Example #3

An image found through Creative Commons

Rodrigues, Andressa. 2012. Image. Pixabay. Web. 6 October 2014. < http://pixabay.com/en/car-old-cars-classic-cars-vintage-172393/>