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Spreadsheet Vocabulary Practice

Determine the term of the give definition.

  1. An Excel file with one or more worksheets

    Answer: workbook

  2. The work area for entering and calculating data made up of columns and rows separated by gridlines; it is the spreadsheet

    Answer: worksheet

  3. Tabs that appear at the bottom of the workbook window, which display the name of each worksheet.

    Answer: sheet tab

  4. It contains the cell pointer.

    Answer: active cell

  5. As you enter data into a cell, it simultaneously appear in the Formula bar, which is located above the worksheet.

    Answer: formula bar

  6. The location of a cell in a worksheet as identified by its column letter and row number; also known as cell address.

    Answer: cell reference

  7. A simple math equation

    Answer: formula

  8. Preset formulas that are included in the application

    Answer: Functions

  9. Group of cells

    Answer: range

  10. Spreadsheet application in Microsoft Office

    Answer: Excel

  11. Spreadsheet application in Google/G Suite

    Answer: Sheets

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