
Operating Systems

What Are They?

You probably have heard the term operating system before but may not know what it is. Here's a hint: Take a look at the logos below. They should all look familiar to you!

From left: Google Chrome logo, Microsoft logo, and Apple logo

What Is An Operating System?

The operating system (OS) is a piece of software loaded to your computer that causes the hardware to communicate with the software resulting in the completion of tasks.

  • Without the OS, the computer will NOT work.
  • If there is no OS present, when the computer is turned on, a blank screen will appear with a blinking cursor. Sometimes an error is displayed.
Mock up of the Windows 8 operating system start menu interface

Types of Operating Systems

There are many operating systems. The ones you will recognize most are:

  • Microsoft Windows (8, 10)
  • Apple (macOS, iOS)
  • Android
  • Chrome OS

These recognizable operating systems all use a graphical user interface or GUI which is an interface that allows the user to interact with images/icons to open and close applications.

Laptop with a Windows 8 operating system
Macbook and iPhone, which run different Apple operating systems, or iOS
This Samsung phone runs an Android operating system. The Android OS is developed by Google, whose logo is on the right.
Many different companies offer Chromebooks, which run the Chrome OS or Chromium OS.

Other Operating Systems

Operating systems you may have heard of but never used:

  • Linux
  • Unix
  • IBM OS/2

These operating systems are not as widely used because they use source code, which is programming text commands, instead of the GUI graphical user interface mentioned earlier.

Tux the penguin is the Linux mascot (left). On the right is an example of source code.

What Operating System Do I Have?

There are several ways to determine your operating system. Visit What's My OS? to find out what operating system you are using. The site will indicate your system's OS and give you instructions for how to find the version of your OS on your machine.

Mock up of the Windows 10 operating system start menu interface

How an Operating System Works

An operating system essentially has two jobs. Read How Operating Systems Work from How Stuff Works to learn important information about the two tasks carried out by your computer's operating system.

man tapping tablet with finger surrounded by the words: website, search, resource, network, account, application, communication, content, and monitoring

What two tasks are carried out by your computer's OS?

So Which One Should I Choose?

The answer to which OS you should use lies in the main purpose for which you will be using your computer.

  • For instance, if you are using a computer mostly for business applications, then you would most likely prefer using a Windows OS.
  • If you are more interested in watching HD videos and doing creative design work, then you would more like prefer an Apple product running macOS.

Read Mac vs. PC from Diffen provides a great comparison of the two operating systems to help you make a wise decision in choosing the one you will use.

Macbook from Apple running macOS on the left. PC laptop running Windows OS on the right.