
Introduction to Shapes and Forms

Have you ever doodled on a piece of paper or played with play dough? If so, did you know that you were actually creating shapes and forms?

hands playing with playdough and purple doodles

Just like lines, we see shapes all around us. The easiest shape to see is a shadow. Have you ever looked at your shadow when you walk or looked at the shadows of trees on the side walk? If so then you have been looking at shapes!

shadows from people walking and shadows from trees

Did you know that the world we live in is made up almost entirely of forms? The houses you live in, the cars you drive, the buildings you see, even the trees, flowers, clouds, your pet and you are forms!

a nature scene, a jeep on a mountain, a girl taking a selfie with her dog, and a row of houses

By observing shapes and forms we can learn more about the world around us. Artists use shapes and forms to communicate their thoughts and feelings in a work of art. When you learn about these two elements of art as well as others you will be able to talk and write about art.

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