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Complete the game to review concepts from this unit. Play it as many times as you need to get the answers correct. You can always go back to the “Learn” section to review any concepts you feel you have not mastered. Good luck!

Type of cholesterol transported out of the blood and is called the ”good” cholesterol

Answer: HDL

Type of cholesterol transported to the artery wall lining and is called the “bad” cholesterol

Answer: LDL

Another term for a heart attack
Answer: Myocardial Infarction

_____________ increases your risk for heart disease.

Answer: Smoking

A diet low in cholesterol and physical activity

Answer: Lowers your risk for heart disease.

Formation of a clot leading to a heart attack

Answer: Thrombosis

__________ is surgical procedure rerouting blood around the blockage using another blood vessel in the body.
Answer: CABG

What is a stent?
Answer: Wire mesh inserted into coronary artery to open the narrowing

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