
The Human Body is Awesome and Complex

By Andreas Vesalius - Bijzondere collectie Universiteit van Amsterdam

The human body is composed of many levels of organization functioning together to maintain life processes. The simplest is the cell of which you have about 100 trillion.

This lesson will look at these organizational levels from the simplest cell to the most complex of the levels: the human. Highlights of this lesson will be:

  • the 5 levels of organization,
  • an overview of the 4 tissue types found in your body, and
  • an overview of the 11 organ systems within your body.

If you want, take a look at the different organ systems viewed in 3D at Zygote Body.


Lesson Objectives

Following successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to...

  • Identify the organizational levels of the human body from cells to organism.
  • Identify the 11 organ systems with their primary organs and functions.

Enduring Understandings

  • Anatomy/Physiology is the study of the organizational structure and function of the human body from cell to organism.
  • There are 11 body systems that interact to perform specific functions in the body.

The above objectives correspond with the Alabama Course of Study: Anatomy and Physiology standards: 1 and 2

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