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Number 1. the study of the structure of the human body

Correct Answer: anatomy

Number 2. the study of the function of the human body

Correct Answer: physiology

Number 3. metabolism that focuses on building up of complex molecules from smaller ones

Correct Answer: anabolism

Number 4. process by which undifferentiated cells (stem cells) develop into specialized cells to perform specific functions

Correct Answer: differentiation

Number 5. A characteristic of life demonstrated through motion that occurs with the entire body or individual organs, single cells, and structures within cells

Correct Answer: movement

Number 6. the formation of new cells for growth, repair, or replacement, or the production of a new individual

Correct Answer: reproduction

Number 7. The ability to detect and respond to changes occurring outside and inside the body

Correct Answer: responsiveness

Number 8. Binds the cells and organs of the body together and functions in the protection, support, and integration of all parts of the body

Correct Answer: connective tissue

Number 9. type of protein fiber of connective tissue and is found in the structure of skin

Correct Answer: collagen

Number 10. stem cells found in connective tissue that help repair damaged tissue

Correct Answer: Mesenchymal cells

Number 11. Contracts to provide movement              

Correct Answer: muscular tissue

Number 12. Movement of air and exchange of gases              

Correct Answer: respiratory system

Number 13. The total of all chemical reactions occurring in the body

Correct Answer: metabolism

Number 14. functions in mechanical and chemical breakdown of nutrients, absorption of nutrients, and elimination of wastes

Correct Answer: digestive system

Number 15. functions in to circulate blood in the body delivering oxygen and nutrients to cells, and carrying wastes away

Correct Answer: cardiovascular system

Number 16. Provides chemical communications within the body by secreting hormones

Correct Answer: endocrine system

Number 17. functions to protect and thermoregulate

Correct Answer: integumentary system

Number 18. functions to give body structure, protects organs, helps with movement, and produces blood cells

Correct Answer: skeletal system

Number 19. functions to filters the blood of toxins, and controls water balance

Correct Answer: urinary system

Number 20. functions to filter clear fluid called lymph, and defends the body against pathogens

Correct Answer: immune system (lymphatic)

Number 21. The maintenance of a stable internal environment as a response to fluctuations in an external environment

Correct Answer: homeostasis

Number 22. dealing with the study of structures only viewable with a microscope (cellular level)

Correct Answer: microscopic anatomy

Number 23. (also referred to as gross anatomy)  dealing with the study of larger structures viewable without the aid of magnification

Correct Answer: macroscopic anatomy

Number 24. functional characteristics that the body must perform to maintain life

Correct Answer: living processes

Number 25. breakdown of large, complex molecules into smaller, simpler ones

Correct Answer: catabolism

Number 26. building up of complex molecules from smaller, simpler ones

Correct Answer: anabolism

Number 27. the smaller molecules

Correct Answer: amino acids

Number 28. the increase in body size due to an increase in a. the size of existing cells, the number of cells, or the amount of material surrounding cells

Correct Answer: growth

Number 29. the basic, independently functional, unit of life composed of molecules and organelles

Correct Answer: cell

Number 30. functional units within a cell

Correct Answer: organelles

Number 31. membrane surrounding cells that allows certain molecules to pass through

Correct Answer: semipermeable membrane

Number 32. composed of 2 or more types of cells working together to perform a specific function

Correct Answer: tissues

Number 33. Sheets of cells that protect and cover exterior surfaces of the body, lines internal cavities and passageways, and forms certain glands

Correct Answer: epithelial tissue

Number 34. Transmits electrical signals in the form of nerve impulses that communicate between different regions of the body

Correct Answer: nervous tissue

Number 35. structure of the body composed of two or more tissue types working together to perform a function

Correct Answer: organ

Number 36. Enables the body to move and produces heat

Correct Answer: muscular system

Number 37. Receives information (sensory), processes it, and sends out instructions

Correct Answer: nervous system

Number 38. the living being that has a cellular structure and can independently perform all physiologic functions necessary for life

Correct Answer: organism

Number 39. core body temperature of 98.6˚F (average), blood glucose level of 100mg/100ml of blood (average), and blood pressure of 120/70 mm/Hg (average)

Correct Answer: homeostatic mechanisms

Number 40. loops, are inhibitory in nature, meaning they oppose the change from the “set point” causing the opposite effect           

Correct Answer: negative feedback mechanism

Number 41. a negative feedback mechanism ( sensor) provides information about internal conditions

Correct Answer: receptor

Number 42. a negative feedback mechanism (set point or integrator) tells what a particular value should be

Correct Answer: control center

Number 43. a negative feedback mechanism that causes responses that alter conditions in the internal environment             

Correct Answer: effector

Number 44. homeostasis of body temperature control

Correct Answer: thermoregulation

Number 45. The axial portion of the human body includes the head, neck, and trunk.             

Correct Answer: axial

Number 46. The appendicular portion of the body includes the upper and lower limbs.

Correct Answer: appendicular

Number 47. protects organs of the nervous system and has two subdivisions: cranial cavity and spinal cavity               

Correct Answer: dorsal cavity

Number 48. encloses the brain

Correct Answer: cranial cavity

Number 49. (also termed vertebral cavity) encloses the vertebral column and the spinal cord             

Correct Answer: spinal cavity

Number 50. contains subdivisions of the upper and lower trunk: thoracic cavity and abdominopelvic cavity

Correct Answer: ventral cavity

Number 51. surrounded by the ribs and chest muscles: mediastinum and pleural cavities

Correct Answer: thoracic cavity

Number 52. contains the pericardial cavity

Correct Answer: mediastinum

Number 53. contains the heart, trachea, and esophagus

Correct Answer: pericardial cavity

Number 54. contains the lungs

Correct Answer: pleural cavities

Number 55. from the diaphragm to the lower floor of the pelvis: abdominal cavity and pelvic cavity

Correct Answer: abdominopelvic cavity

Number 56. includes the liver, stomach, spleen, kidneys, and intestines

Correct Answer: abdominal cavity

Number 57. includes the bladder and reproductive organs

Correct Answer: pelvic cavity

Number 58. (also termed serous membrane) a double-layered membrane made up of two parts: parietal serosa and visceral serosa

Correct Answer: serosa

Number 59. lines the cavity walls

Correct Answer: parietal serosa

Number 60. covers organs in the cavity

Correct Answer: visceral serosa

Number 61. a thin layer of fluid that acts as a lubricant, allowing organs to move within the cavity without causing friction

Correct Answer: serous fluid

Number 62. lines the pericardial cavity

Correct Answer: parietal pericardium

Number 63. the reference for anatomical nomenclature, or terms

Correct Answer: anatomical position

Number 64. an imaginary two-dimensional surface that passes through the body

Correct Answer: plane

Number 65. divides the body or an organ vertically into right and left sides

Correct Answer: sagittal plane

Number 66. or median plane, divides the body into equal right and left sides              

Correct Answer: midsagittal

Number 67. (or longitudinal section) divides into unequal sides

Correct Answer: parasagittal plane

Number 68. (or coronal plane) divides the body or an organ into an anterior (front) portion and a posterior (rear) portion     

Correct Answer: frontal plane

Number 69. (or horizontal) divides the body or organ horizontally into upper and lower portions

Correct Answer: transverse plane

Number 70. (or ventral) the front or direction toward the front of the body

Correct Answer: anterior

Number 71. (or dorsal) the back or direction toward the back of the body

Correct Answer: posterior

Number 72. (or cranial) a position above or higher than another part of the body proper

Correct Answer: superior

Number 73. (or caudal) a position below or lower than another part of the body proper

Correct Answer: inferior

Number 74. direction toward the side of the body

Correct Answer: lateral

Number 75. the middle or direction toward the middle of the body

Correct Answer: medial

Number 76. a position nearer to the point of attachment or the trunk of the body

Correct Answer: proximal

Number 77. a position in a limb that is farther from the point of attachment or the trunk of the body             

Correct Answer: distal

Number 78. a position closer to the surface of the body

Correct Answer: superficial

Number 79. a position farther from the surface of the body

Correct Answer: deep

Number 80. body is face-down

Correct Answer: prone

Number 81. body is face-up

Correct Answer: supine

Number 82. region of the arm in front of the elbow

Correct Answer: Antecubital

Number 83. armpit area

Correct Answer: Axillary

Number 84. over the brachial artery in the upper arm

Correct Answer: Brachial

Number 85. of or relating to the cheeks or the mouth

Correct Answer: Buccal

Number 86. wrist

Correct Answer: Carpal

Number 87. neck region

Correct Answer: Cervical

Number 88. hip

Correct Answer: Coxal

Number 89. elbow

Correct Answer: Cubital

Number 90. fingers

Correct Answer: Digital

Number 91. back

Correct Answer: Dorsal

Number 92. relating to the femur or thigh

Correct Answer: Femoral

Number 93. buttocks region

Correct Answer: Gluteal

Number 94. the groin or area in lower lateral regions of the abdomen

Correct Answer: Inguinal

Number 95. area over the lumbar spine

Correct Answer: Lumbar

Number 96. breast

Correct Answer: Mammary

Number 97. nose

Correct Answer: Nasal

Number 98. back of head region

Correct Answer: Occipital

Number 99. mouth

Correct Answer: Oral

Number 100. eye region

Correct Answer: Orbital

Number 101. ear

Correct Answer: Otic

Number 102. palm of the hand area

Correct Answer: Palmar

Number 103. front of knee

Correct Answer: Patellar

Number 104. chest area

Correct Answer: Pectoral

Number 105. foot area

Correct Answer: Pedal

Number 106. sole of foot

Correct Answer: Plantar

Number 107. region on the back of the knee

Correct Answer: Popliteal

Number 108. between hips in posterior

Correct Answer: Sacral

Number 109. of or relating to the area near the shoulder blade (scapula)

Correct Answer: Scapular

Number 110. chest

Correct Answer: Thorax

Number 111. torso or thorax and abdomen

Correct Answer: Trunk

Number 112. relating to the central area of the abdomen/navel

Correct Answer: Umbilical

Number 113. spinal column

Correct Answer: Vertebral

Number 114. the building of new organs using cells from an individual that are then constructed on a human-made platform called a scaffold

Correct Answer: tissue engineering

Number 115. the study of tissues

Correct Answer: Histology

Number 116. receive information

Correct Answer: dendrites

Number 117. contains the nucleus

Correct Answer: cell body

Number 118. part of the neuron where information in the form of electricity travels and is sent to another cell/axon is insulated by the myelin sheath

Correct Answer: axon

Number 119. the cell of nervous tissue

Correct Answer: neuron

Number 120. hair-like structures found in the epithelial tissue  that have mobility to sweep substances across the surface

Correct Answer: cilia

Number 121. surface that opens to the body cavity and where secretion, absorption, and excretion takes place. Cilia are found on this surface in some epithelium

Correct Answer: free surface

Number 122. surface that binds epithelium to underlying tissue

Correct Answer: basement membrane

Number 123. fluid portion of a cell where organelles are found

Correct Answer: cytoplasm

Number 124. control center of a cell containing DNA

Correct Answer: nucleus

Number 125. insulates the axon                                          

Correct Answer: myelin sheath