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Tile Calculation Practice

Complete the problems below to pratice calculating tile costs and overages.

Problem #1

How many tiles will you need for the following job? You will want to figure 20% overage because of the pattern used for laying the tile. You will be using 18 inch x 18 inch tiles. Measuremetns of the floor are

  • Length = 20 ¼
  • Width = 12 ½

measurements of the floor length = 20 1/4 and width = 12 1/2



  • Area of tile in square feet = ________


    2 and one fourth feet squared

  • Area of room = ______


    253 and one eighth feet squared

  • Number of tile needed = _____

    Answer: 135


Problem #2

How many tiles will you need for the following job? You will want to figure 15% overage because of the pattern used for laying the tile. You will be using 16 inch x 16 inch tiles.

L shaped floor measurements are length = 21 and width = 13 with the other length = 14 and width = 7



  • Area of tile in square feet = ______


    1 and seven ninths feet squared

  • Area of room = _______

    Answer: 231 ft2

  • Number of tile needed = _______

    Answer: 150


Problem #3

How many tiles will you need for the following job? You will want to figure 20% overage because of the patter used for laying the tile. You will be using 12 inch x 12 inch tiles.

measurements of the floor length = 35 and width = 10



  • Area of tile in square feet = ______

    Answer: 1 ft2

  • Area of room = _____

    Answer: 350 ft2

  • Number of tile needed = ________

    Answer: 420


Problem #4

How many tiles will you need for the following job? You will want to figure 15% overage because of the pattern used for laying the tile. This room has a stationary island that will not be tiled underneath. You will be using 24 inch x 18 inch tiles.

floor measurements length = 36 width = 21 with a center island measureing length = 11 and width = 3



  • Area of tile in square feet = ______

    Answer: 3 ft2

  • Area of room = _______

    Answer: 723 ft2

  • Number of tile needed = ______

    Answer: 278