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Scatter Plot Trend Line Practice

Identify the trend line for each scatter plot.

  1. Which trend line matches this scatter plot?
    1. y = x + 1
    2. y = x/3
    3. y = -2x
    4. y = -x + 4
    5. y = 4x - 10
    6. y = 3x - 5

    scatter plot 1
    See larger version of scatter plot 1 here.

    Answer: e. y = 4x - 10
    scatter plot 1 with trend line
    See larger version of scatter plot 1 with trend line here.

  2. Which trend line matches this scatter plot?
    1. y = x + 1
    2. y = x/3
    3. y = -2x
    4. y = -x + 4
    5. y = 4x - 10
    6. y = 3x - 5

    scatter plot 2
    See larger version of scatter plot 2 here.

    Answer: d. y = -x + 4
    scatter plot 2 with trend line
    See larger version of scatter plot 2 with trend line here.

  3. Which trend line matches this scatter plot?
    1. y = x + 1
    2. y = x/3
    3. y = -2x
    4. y = -x + 4
    5. y = 4x - 10
    6. y = 3x - 5

    scatter plot 3
    See larger version of scatter plot 3 here.

    Answer: c. y = -2x
    scatter plot 3 with trend line
    See larger version of scatter plot 3 with trend line here.

  4. Which trend line matches this scatter plot?
    1. y = x + 1
    2. y = x/3
    3. y = -2x
    4. y = -x + 4
    5. y = 4x - 10
    6. y = 3x - 5

    scatter plot 4
    See larger version of scatter plot 4 here.

    Answer: b. y = x/3
    scatter plot 4 with trend line
    See larger version of scatter plot 4 with trend line here.

  5. Which trend line matches this scatter plot?
    1. y = x + 1
    2. y = x/3
    3. y = -2x
    4. y = -x + 4
    5. y = 4x - 10
    6. y = 3x - 5

    scatter plot 5
    See larger version of scatter plot 5 here.

    Answer: f. y = 3x - 5
    scatter plot 5 with trend line
    See larger version of scatter plot 5 with trend line here.

  6. Which trend line matches this scatter plot?
    1. y = x + 1
    2. y = x/3
    3. y = -2x
    4. y = -x + 4
    5. y = 4x - 10
    6. y = 3x - 5

    scatter plot 6
    See larger version of scatter plot 6 here.

    Answer: a. y = x + 1
    scatter plot 6 with trend line
    See larger version of scatter plot 6 with trend line here.