
The Coordinate System

The coordinate plane is a two-dimensional map to plot points. It is comprised of a horizontal number line, the x-axis, and a vertical number line, the y-axis. When referring to both the x-axis and y-axis, you say axes.

blank coordinate plane with the x axis and y axis labeled

In the middle of the coordinate plane, the x- and y-axes intersect. This point of intersection is called the origin.

Along the x-axis from the origin to the right are positive values of x. The negative values of x are to the left.

On the y-axis, the positive values of y are above the origin. Below the origin are the negative values of y.


You will notice there are four divisions in the coordinate plane. Each division is called a quadrant. We number them counterclockwise using Roman numerals I through IV, beginning in the upper right quadrant.

On the coordinate plane, the quadrants are labeled I, II, III, and IV going counterclockwise. Quadrant I is in the top right.

Coordinate Points

To plot points, or coordinates, in the plane, you will have two directions to move. Each coordinate has an x-value and y-value and is written as: (x, y).

When plotting, you will travel along the x-axis first and y-axis second. You may also think of traveling left or right first, followed by up or down.

The number of units you will travel depends on your coordinate.

Plot Points on the Coordinate Plane

Open Plot Points on the Coordinate Plane in a new tab

Example #1

Open Determine the Coordinates of Points on a Coordinate Plane Example #1 in a new tab

Example #2

Open Determine the Coordinates of Points on a Coordinate Plane Example #2 in a new tab