French 3, Semester II; La Santé
Sections: Introduction  |   Section 1  |   Section 2  |   Section 3  |   Dictionaries
  Section Three: Part A  |   Part B  |   Part C  |   Part D  |   Part E

Section Three - Part E

activityClick below to do some review games to practice all that we've done in Section Three. Get ready for the Section 3 Quiz!

Additional Resources

In this unit, we talked about historical facts and lots of health care and emergency vocabulary. If you are interested in more information about these topics, here are some additional resources for you to investigate. There is no assignment for this.

Web Sites:

Des centres de santé



I. Preparation for Section Quiz!

Be sure to go back through the material that you have covered in this unit to be fully prepared for the Section 3 Quiz.

Go to Section 3 Quiz now.

II. Preparation for Unit Test!

Go back over all the material in the unit. Redo the exercises and replay the games.

Go to Unit Exam now.

Bon courage!

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