Bienvenidos a Unidad 1: La Gente
In this course, we will do an overview of the history of Spain, from prehistoric times. You will also learn what the Spanish people are like, in general terms. In learning this, you will also learn to talk about what you and your family are like.
La Gente
![La Gente](../images/la_gente_intro.gif)
In this unit, you will review...
- Describing people and things
- Talking about what you like to do
- Talking about what your day is like
- Talking about the activities you like to do
You will be introduced to:
- Spanish historical and cultural information
- Additional family members you might wish to talk about
Doing the exercises
You should have a notebook especially for this class to take notes and
do your written exercises. Follow this sequence:
- Write down the exercise as you see it.
- Write the answers next to each question or fill in the blank, whatever
the instructions say to do.
- Check your answers by clicking on the links indicated .
Let's review
some useful information.
Icon Symbols
As you work,
you will see icon symbols that identify the kind of activity you are doing.
Click here to review what the symbols mean.
Don't forget
the accent marks when you turn in written assignments to your teacher.
You will be marked off if they are missing. Review
how to makes accent marks here.
Unit Vocabulary
There are two dictionaries available to you from each page - Spanish to
English and English to Spanish. Just click on the word Dictionaries at
the top of the page.
Culture Focus
This unit will feature a quick overview of the history of Spain up to
the the time of Isabela and Ferdinando. We'll also be exploring different cultural
aspects related to the material we're covering. You'll get lots of opportunities
to do research on the Internet to learn more about it.
Unit Activities
This unit offers a lot of different activities.
Make sure you do all of them! The activities listed below are graded.
The point values are in red.
- Section 1, Part A, Discusión:
8 points
- Section 1, Part A, Review Quiz: 80
- Section 1, Part B, Escribir: 16 points
- Section 1, Part C, Discusión: 8
- Section 1, Part C, TPR Quiz: 18 points
- Section 1, Part D, Discusión: 8 points
- Section 1, Part F, Escribir:
20 points
- Section 1, Quiz: 45
- Section 2, Part A, Escribir: 12
- Section 2, Part A, Discusión: 8 points
- Section 2, Part B, Present Perfect Quiz: 24 points
- Section 2, Part C, Discusión: 16 points
- Section 2, Part D, Escribir: 12
- Section 2, Quiz: 47 points
- Section 3, Part A, Hablar: 12
- Section 3, Part A, Escribir: 24 points
- Section 3, Part C, Escribir: 16
- Section 3, Part D, Escribir: 12
- Section 3, Quiz: 35 points
- Unit Exam: 98 points
Practice makes perfect! Make sure you do the following activities every
- Vocabulary activities: practice the vocabulary using flashcards for at least
15 minutes a day.
- Verb conjugations: keep adding new verbs and their conjugations
to your verb sheet. Practice conjugating verbs every day.
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