Labor Unions

No discussion of labor is complete without learning about the history of labor unions. With the industrialization in the country starting in the beginning of the 1800s, the paternal relationship between labor and management changed. Initially, all of the power in the relationship rested squarely with businesses. With massive numbers of immigrants flooding the workforce and a government more interested in a growing economy, workers were not always treated with the respect they deserved and were mistreated. It took workers binding together to stand up to the power, money and influence of large businesses to improve their circumstances. Workers learned that there is strength in numbers. By uniting together, workers won concessions from businesses and helped define the relationship between a manager and worker, who can work, and the characteristics of work.

What are some of the accomplishments of labor unions? One major advance is in the banning of child labor. Watch the following videos to see how the laws about child labor were changed, and what part unions played in this change.

For another example of how management and labor interacted, watch Marissa Tomei's reading of an autoworker from the 1930s.

At this point, it should be easy for you to list the accomplishments of labor unions. This list includes:

  • better work environments,
  • higher pay,
  • safer working conditions,
  • the right to collective bargaining,
  • the eight hour workday,
  • the end of child labor,
  • the five day workweek, and
  • benefits, which include pensions for retirement and
  • healthcare.

At this point, it should be easy for you to list the accomplishments of labor So how many people are part of labor unions? Read Union Membership in U.S. to see union membership trends, from its peak in the 1900s to its declining membership today.

After reading the article watch Labor Unions Weakened by Recession (8:21) to see an explanation for the downward the trend in union membership.

Understanding the sacrifices made by many workers in the past should provide a greater appreciation for our nation's Labor Day celebration. Labor Day is observed on the first Monday of September. While many simply see Labor Day as a day off from work and an opportunity to cook-out and relax, people should take time to honor the sacrifices by those workers before us.

Read How Labor Got Its Day and watch History of Labor Day to see how Labor Day got its beginning.